Friday, July 19, 2013

Snowden and the NSA

       Control is the principal reason to gather and store information on people.  Power brokers, especially within the bureaucracies of government have always done this.  Robert Moses, who amassed tremendous political power in his career as a petty bureaucrat working for the state of New York,  maintained files on anyone of significance to him politically and regularly updated those files with new information as it was available.  Years later, when he wanted something from that person or wanted to head off something that person was doing, out came the file.  If there was any dirt, anything that might have been forgotten, that information was used as a bludgeon against them.  J Edgar Hoover also maintained files for his political advantage as head of the FBI and used the information he had to threaten even a sitting president.  There is no one who does not have a skeleton somewhere that can be unearthed, that does not have a secret, a past indiscretion, a bankruptcy, a run in with the law, a mistress or a lover unknown to their spouse, a habit the children do not know about and should never know about.  Added to this are the innumerable laws and regulations passed by the government or its agencies which are transgressed by all of us at one time or another.  The government is fond of using IRS audits as punishment for political transgressions, but in addition to this are the increasingly convoluted web of regulations that govern everything we do.  The mere threat of surveillance will color the discourse which takes place in America.  Any terrorists who are actually capable of doing great harm probably do not use social media or unencrypted email to communicate.
     That the government is already using sophisticated techniques to control the population is evident in the carefully structured and regulated information flow to the media over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Our leaders do not want to see a repeat of the debacle of the popular protests against the Vietnam war.  Information in these wars has been more tightly controlled than in any other war.  Our media served chiefly as a cheering section as the bombs landed on Baghdad and the tanks rolled across the desert from Kuwait.  It is through control of the narrative that our government chiefly controls us.  Violent means available to control the population are not necessary when a superior effect is achieved by public relations professionals.  But if you add to that the threat of retribution by virtue of access to private knowledge of any individual, the effect on any organized social protest is chilling.  The rubber will hit the road for this system when there comes a real danger of social uprising or mass civil disobedience.  If the economy ever fell as far as some pundits predict to levels lower than those of the great depression,  there will be trouble.  In the last depression, people who had money were seriously worried that such an event or uprising could occur bringing the siezure of power and assets by a completely different cadre of people than those who possessed it at the time.  The world had just witnessed it take place in Russia and in Mexico.   The NSA is now in the business of making revolution impossible under any circumstances for any reason.  If someone else, read the government, has a gun  over you,  you are very likely to be robbed or killed by that government. 
     The fact that it was a private company that has access to the data, Snowden, a private citizen, said he could find out about anyone he wanted through the information they had, complicates both the prosecutorial and the constitutional issues.  This is a highly profitable government -industry complex which has access to limitless taxpayer funding in order to control those same taxpayers.  Much of the NSA budget is in the so-called black budget, which is concealed even from the majority of Congress under the guise of national security.  Snowden’s crime was to  betray the anti-american NSA.  But the real crime is the failure of our elected officials who swear an oath to defend the constitution to put a stop to this clear violation of the right of the people to be secure in their homes and papers.  Obama should be impeached, the bums in congress, if they are not prosecuted themselves, should be voted out of office.  This of course will not happen.  The activist portion of our population is already basically powerless to affect any real change and the majority will continue to struggle financially to pay for the giant leach called government attached to their backs.

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