Monday, September 20, 2021

Discrimination and Disparities by Thomas Sowell

  Discrimination and Disparities by Tomas Sowell. 

I just finished reading Thomas Sowell's book Discrimination and Disparities.  It is the second book I have read by this author; the first was Basic Economics.  I would recommend them both.          

The main theme of this book is that disparities among people groups arise from many reasons.  He argues that malevolent discrimination exists but is by no means the only or even the dominant factor creating disparities in wealth, and position in society.  The book is filled with scholarly references which include examples from history and statistical analyses going back a century.  

Thomas Sowell, is one of the leading intellectuals in America today, and one of the few not parroting Neo-Marxist  ideology. He writes in a measured, deliberate, non-ideological style, once the standard in the best American academic writing.   Much of what he writes flies in the face of mainstream thinking about discrimination.  He points out that some of the most successful people groups have been those most discriminated against such as the Chinese in Malaysia, the Jews in Europe and the Indians in Uganda.   He refutes both those who say that the level of performance in a society is due to innate genetics and those who say it is due to prejudicial treatment.  Instead he goes through the multiple factors that lead to success or failure, including geography, culture, and incentives and disincentives to work and achieve built into a society.  He points out that Black American families went from 80% one parent families in the 1940s to 40% in the 1990s, and he lays the blame squarely on the the revamped welfare system design supposedly to help them that was put in place in the 1960s.  He writes that people have always sorted themselves into groups based on commonalities, and no society  has ever produced a system where all groups are represented equally in all places in the economy.  

This book will make you take a second look at things you never questioned before.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Technocracy Rising


Review of  Technocracy Rising; The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood, Coherent Publishing, Mesa AZ, 2015. 

You might call this book the ultimate in conspiracy theories.  It lays out the ideology and the people behind a movement to take over the world.  And, as far -fetched as it seems, it does make a case that sheds light on a multitude of seemingly unrelated changes we see happening in our society.  The name of the ideology is Technocracy and the people behind it are powerful people in business and government from many countries. 

The essence of technocracy is that technicians and engineers will make all the decisions based on their specialized knowledge.  It is anti-religious, and materialistic.  It believes that science can engineer people to be healthier and to live longer.  It believes in directed evolution.  It is globalistic and anti-democratic, anti nation state, and it believes that regulations over our daily lives should supersede outdated laws like the Constitution.

It was troubling to learn how many prominent leaders in the world are and have been in the World Economic Forum, which the author strongly links to the ideology of Technocracy and troubling also that the author can track the rise of this ideology from beginnings as long ago as the 17th century. 

There is a subtle element of Christian eschatology in the book.  In the 1970s many Christians believed that Armageddon and ‘one world government’ was about to begin.  That fear faded as nothing panned out.  The Russians did not bring Armageddon as predicted and no AntiChrist rose up cheered on by the masses. But in this book we can see the real possibility of one world government coming to pass, enabled by quantum leaps in technology. And we can see that it is totalitarian and anti-human.

Sunday, January 31, 2021


I was against the border wall, the trade war, the killing of Soleimani, the war on the Houthis, the pouting and the posing, but I still voted for Trump this past election.  I voted against a government of carpet-baggers knocking over small countries and then sending in their friends and relatives to ransack the place. I voted against draining the national wealth for endless war.  I voted against outright lies of Russian collusion repeated endlessly by politicians and the news media.  I voted against the FBI colluding with the DNC to undermine a political opponent.  I voted against the false, destructive ideology of critical race theory.  I voted against the economy-choking regulatory expansion.  I voted against the casual attitude towards life in the womb.

Donald Trump stood up to 4 years of opposition, and propaganda.  He appointed good people to the head the bureaucracies and for the judiciary, he cut regulation, reinvigorated the moribund economy, brought business back into the country, stopped the out-flow of technology, resisted the loss of industry. His legacy is a mixed one, like all presidents and all leaders making myriad, controversial decisions.   Donald Trump was the last gasp of populism and the nationalistic ideology that built this country.  We are heading full speed into an ideological shift that will change this country and the world.  It is globalist, elitist, technocratic and totalitarian.  There were flaws in the old system, but the new system will be hell on earth.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Covid, HIV, Anthrax, Smallpox, Zika, ......What Next?


“Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” – Richard Feynman

Similarities between AIDS/HIV and Covid 19:

ü  They have both modified the definition of a ‘case’.

ü  They both use PCR testing as the prime identifier of the disease

ü  There are many asymptomatic positive cases.

ü  Anthony Fauci is knee-deep in saving us.

ü  They both use the term, “the virus that causes…”

ü  They both call for massive marshalling of resources and new technology.

ü  They both have sparked panic and fear in the population.