Sunday, January 31, 2021


I was against the border wall, the trade war, the killing of Soleimani, the war on the Houthis, the pouting and the posing, but I still voted for Trump this past election.  I voted against a government of carpet-baggers knocking over small countries and then sending in their friends and relatives to ransack the place. I voted against draining the national wealth for endless war.  I voted against outright lies of Russian collusion repeated endlessly by politicians and the news media.  I voted against the FBI colluding with the DNC to undermine a political opponent.  I voted against the false, destructive ideology of critical race theory.  I voted against the economy-choking regulatory expansion.  I voted against the casual attitude towards life in the womb.

Donald Trump stood up to 4 years of opposition, and propaganda.  He appointed good people to the head the bureaucracies and for the judiciary, he cut regulation, reinvigorated the moribund economy, brought business back into the country, stopped the out-flow of technology, resisted the loss of industry. His legacy is a mixed one, like all presidents and all leaders making myriad, controversial decisions.   Donald Trump was the last gasp of populism and the nationalistic ideology that built this country.  We are heading full speed into an ideological shift that will change this country and the world.  It is globalist, elitist, technocratic and totalitarian.  There were flaws in the old system, but the new system will be hell on earth.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Covid, HIV, Anthrax, Smallpox, Zika, ......What Next?


“Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” – Richard Feynman

Similarities between AIDS/HIV and Covid 19:

ü  They have both modified the definition of a ‘case’.

ü  They both use PCR testing as the prime identifier of the disease

ü  There are many asymptomatic positive cases.

ü  Anthony Fauci is knee-deep in saving us.

ü  They both use the term, “the virus that causes…”

ü  They both call for massive marshalling of resources and new technology.

ü  They both have sparked panic and fear in the population.