There are many ways to build and control what could be classified as a proletariat society, and all of them require the elimination of the individual. Marx’s words and ‘beliefs’ bear this out in no uncertain terms. In today’s world, most all efforts to destroy independent thought, normal or considered natural behavior, tradition, family, and honest history, are steeped in Neo-Marxist techniques, which cause unlimited division, hatred, antagonistic existence, and a tearing down and elimination of all past history and moral beliefs. This is the state of affairs in the U.S. today, as total chaos has come to the forefront due not to proper anarchical principles which are based on individual freedom, but due to Neo-Marxist and communistic ideology advanced through psychological and aggressive means, and supported by the ruling class. McCann
Here are a some articles that make a clear connection between Marxist ideology and the events we see happening today.
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