Saturday, September 7, 2019

Onagrocracy, or Government by Wild Asses

I do not usually add photos to this blog, and the above wild ass called an Onager ought to be insulted by this post.

When I was in High School in the early 1970s,  there was a program on WGBH, the public television station, that I loved to watch after school.  It was simply Abram Sachar sitting on a stool in an empty room talking about the history of Europe.  That show made me apply to Brandeis where he taught, but although I was accepted, I judged I could never afford the $4,000.00 a year tuition.  This was one of many horrible mistakes I made as a young man.

I forget what he was talking about but he coined the term Onagrocracy, or government by wild asses.  For some reason I never forgot the term and it comes to mind now that I view the impending presidential election.  Donald Trump, like a wild ass, is destroying the trading system that has been a key element in the prosperity we have had over the last ten years.  At the same time, in ride Sanders, Warren and others jousting furiously at false windmills like climate change, and russia-gate, while proposing we kill the proverbial goose that laid the golden egg by stifling capitalism and taxing and regulating the hell out of everybody. 

There are sane, thoughtful individuals in our country but for some reason none of them are in the running for president.

Friday, March 15, 2019

General Thoughts on Foreign Policy

1.      In the late 1990s following the fall of the Soviet Union, America was heralded as the world’s only super power.  Shortly after that President Bush 2, acting as if we no longer had to justify any military activity with the rest of the world, given our power, launched an invasion of Iraq ostensibly to prevent that country from using ‘weapons of mass destruction’.  This war eventually ended up costing one  trillion dollars.  This money could have remained in the United States where it should have been used to build up our economy and our infrastructure.  While we were burning money, China was investing in their technology and infrastructure.  Today Chinese technology and economic strength may out match ours.  It never should be forgotten that military strength follows economic strength.

2.      When the Soviet Union fell apart and East and West Germany reunited, I believe the Russians, Gorbachev in particular, had reassurances from the Reagan administration that NATO would not advance into the newly liberated East bloc countries.  But the temptation to fill the power void and the promise of arms sales to new NATO members soon, starting with the Clinton Administration if not earlier, had NATO in almost all the former East bloc countries.  Russia, to those with even the least knowledge of history, has a justifiable fear of invasion from the West.  The devastation of the second world war combined with the all-consuming national obsession with remembering the war and its heroes assures us that Russia will not be comfortable with any semblance of Western offensive arms on its borders.  But yet we are there.

In addition the United States government and media make a great deal of noise about the Russian takeover of the Crimea even though the area is ethnically Russian in the majority, traditionally part of Russia prior to Khrushchev, strategically imperative for the operation of their Black Sea fleet and well within their vital sphere of influence, much like Cuba is to us. 
Also, under the risible guise of rogue missile threats from Iran, the U.S.  withdrew from the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia in 2002.  We are now in the process of also withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty which opens the door to very dangerous, because of their proximity to each other, nuclear missiles in Europe.  We claim that the Russians have already violated the treaty, and that may be so, but it is more likely that the main reason for our withdrawal is that China has become a rival with a rapidly evolving military capability and we do not want to be hamstrung by old treaties.  The Russians have developed advanced weaponry quietly over the last 20 years, some of their missile technology may already be significantly more advanced than ours as was claimed by Vladimir Putin in a speech earlier this year.    The advanced ground to air missiles placed in Syria last year may mark a turning point in the U.S’s long standing unquestioned dominance of the skies.

The conflict with Russia seems contrived.  The outrage over the Ukraine, the sanctions, the withdrawal from arms limitation agreements, all could have been handled differently and I don’t think the Russians would be hostile to negotiated agreements or to reconciliation with the NATO nations as long as we conceded their interests as well as our own.  Russia might otherwise be our natural ally.  Russia has an interest in containing China whose power soon will be an order of magnitude greater than Russia’s and who may covet the vast regions to their north for room to expand and for their natural resources.  Russia also has an interest in containing radical Islam.  Russia itself is not Islamic but they are bordered to the south and west by Islamic nations and territories with all the disaffection to the West they are known for.

3.      I believe the United States should guarantee the existence of Israel and security from attacks or invasion.  I believe the Jews have a right to a homeland centered on Jerusalem.
But I do not believe that the interests of Israel and the interests of the United States are the same.  American leadership should not put the interests of Israel above that of the United States.  I have been in churches where the speaker has called out for support of Israel as if it was demanded by God. But to me this is treason.  Israel makes a concerted effort to influence American foreign policy and is extremely successful at it.  AIPAC is one of the most feared lobbying groups in the U.S.  
I thought Saddam Hussein was a threat to Israel before he invaded Kuwait and he was even a bigger threat after the invasion because now he had more territory, and more oil money to use to make good on the threats.  It seemed that the defense of Israel was a major factor in the first Iraq war, and I really had no problem with that at the time. 
But the second invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Syria, the attack on Khaddafi, in other words the destruction of the stable but anti-Israeli governments of Iraq and Libya, the attempted destruction of the Assad regime in Syria, and the constant war drums directed at Iran, all seem to be more in the interest of Israel than the United States.
Israel watches out for itself and would throw the U.S. under the proverbial bus as soon as it thought it was necessary.  Few people remember that the IDF attacked a U.S. naval ship in broad daylight during the 6 Days war in 1967 killing 34 sailors.  They claimed it was a mistake and it all was quickly covered up, but the truth is that it was deliberate and was meant to stop the US Navy from listening in to Israeli communications. 
In the nineteenth and twentieth century, the proud and accomplished Middle Kingdom was subjected to repeated humiliation and invasion from the Western colonial powers and from Japan.  When the communists took over in 1949 the nation withdrew into itself, purging itself seemingly of the very elements that made it a great nation in the first place.  The Chinese were natural capitalists and that nature could not be suppressed for long.  The country went from being weak, poor and backward to being the only real rival to the United States on the world stage.  Today we face a situation where China is surpassing us in every area: technology, infrastructure, economic size, organization and rising along with these elements, military strength.  China today does not have anything near the military power of the US but it is moving inexorably and deliberately in that direction.  They, unlike us, tended to their economy first and the military second.  It is only right that a capable and populous nation should come into the prosperity of the modern world.  It is also only right that they should take their place militarily among modern nations.  However this clashes with the American military’s stated aim of world dominance and un-challengeability.  Of course, the Chinese economy could crash, as all capitalist economies inevitably do following a boom cycle, that, however would not be the end, and the rest of the world would probably go down with it for a while.  China may also experience political and internal military threats to its existing government.  This also is not too likely as long as the government maintains a firm hand and the prospects of the majority continue to rise.  In a war between China and the US, the surface Navies would probably be rendered inoperable in a short time.  But the loss of one or more US aircraft carriers would be met with ferocity not seen since the Second World War. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

State of Emergency

    President Trump is usurping the power of Congress when he decides to circumvent the latest budget appropriation which did not include full funding of a wall on the Mexican border.  If it was an emergency, why was there so much time to debate the issue in Congress.  An emergency is when there is no time for a  debate.  Trump is acting like a spoiled child  trying to get his way.  And worse for the country, he is acting like he was the absolute law and can ignore the Constitution.

 I am for secure borders and legal immigration.  A wall is symbolic of insularity, hostility and prejudice.  I much prefer the symbol of the last century the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor.

The only thing I fear more than our puffed up, strutting, reality tv star president is the opposition which has gone off the charts of all reality based thinking. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Hey! Where's the Beef?


Everything in biology is done with statistical analysis.  If you want to know if something is true you begin by gathering data and then analyzing the data to determine if what you have indicates something that could not happen by chance.  For example, if a gene seems to be associated with a particular disease an attempt will be made to take the observed correlation and subject it to a statistical test in order to determine the probability that the correlation could occur by chance.  Generally a probability of 5% or less of the numbers occurring by chance is required to be relatively certain of causality. 

I wonder if any aspect of hypothesis testing has ever been applied to a functional gene arising by chance even given millions of years, or to the spontaneous creation of life in a sea of chemicals, or of a functional gene or proto-gene appearing by chance in one individual, surviving and spreading through the population, or the probability that the gaps in the fossil record are simply a factor of having overlooked them.  If  there are, I have not heard of them.  The theory of evolution is the one area of biology exempt from genuine statistical analysis.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

What color are People?

I object to the term 'people of color'.  In my youth 'colored people' were African Americans.  It is not a very good term. People of color is the same term but with an air of elitism attached to it.  In the victim mentality that promotes this term, it is assumed that dark skin color puts you in the oppressed class automatically and white skin puts you in the oppressor class.  The old communist doctrine of an oppressor class and an oppressed class has been transformed from a purely economic one to a purely racial one which groups people into two groups, white people, that is people of European descent, and every other kind of people, based solely on skin color.