I don't know if the World Economic Forum is in the process of engineering neo-feudalism and de-population as some claim. Or if it is just the massive general corruption of our government responsible for the sweeping changes being forced upon us. But I do know, to the best of my ability to know any fact, is that what is being promulgated by the elites in the world is patently false.
It is clear that we are engaged in an
ideological war. Academia, the media,
the government and most big corporations have gone woke and a multitude of common
people have followed them, while an opposing faction is ringing the alarm. Many of the things we value are being eroded
by people actively attacking what has made this nation strong and has
made it a land of opportunity for millions of immigrants. They claim that it is in the name of social justice
and they have some legitimate arguments, but there is such a thing as throwing the
baby out with the bathwater.
Since I see this as a war
for individual freedom and for the survival of our country, I thought I should
set down where I stand on fundamental issues:
- I believe in truth. Although
men seldom know the whole truth, they do know when they are lying. That means I am fundamentally against the use
of propaganda, or the manipulation of the people for any purpose.
- I believe that we are either
male or female from birth. So God created man in His own image, in the
image of God created He him; male and female created
He them.
- I
am against government corruption. Government officials serve the nation and the people and are given great power to do so. When they begin to serve themselves, it is a time for revolution.
- I
am for the Constitution as a form of government that insures public participation
and protects the rights of individuals.
- I
am against cruelty, either emotional cruelty or physical cruelty for any
- I
am for a strong defense. I do not believe in an expansionist foreign policy, but in preparedness to fight any foe and to win.
- I
believe in the ideal form of capitalism where there is a free exchange of goods
and services resulting in the greatest good for all.
- I
believe in open and free discussion of all topics and viewpoints. It is in discussion and argument that we
learn and grow.
- I
believe in equality of opportunity, but not forced equality of outcome.
- I
am Christian. I believe that Jesus Christ was God made man and is the key to our redemption from sin and death.
essence of the opposition seems to be:
- Group Identity is paramount
- Christianity is the embodiment of Evil.
- The world is divided between oppressed groups and oppressors.
- White males are the apex oppressors, only confession and repentance can
save them.
- Gender is fluid.
- Man is a curse on the planet.
- The United States is racist to its core and irredeemable in its current
- The nuclear family is toxic.